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HomeOpinionHonoring our senior veterans with decent homecare

Honoring our senior veterans with decent homecare

I REMEMBER my father who was a military veteran and served as Presidential Security Guard (PSG) starting from President Ramon Magsaysay till the first term of the President Ferdinand Marcos Administration until his retirement and demised laying at the “Libingan ng mga Bayani”.

In the Philippine setting the welfare of the Military veterans is limited to only getting meager pension and receiving service-connected compensation, if disabled. There are additional clothing allowances and if you are lucky and well connected, an employment opportunity for veterans, their families and survivors.

THE Veterans Home of California -Yountville Resident Care Specialists (RCS) strike a pose after the conference in the upgrading of their care orientation program. The RCS continues to improve their skills in administering medication, supervising and crafting daily activities in sustaining personal care to veterans. (In photo) middle kneeling in green shirt-Jun Repiedad and the RCS staff of VHCY.

In my recent trip to the United States of America, I have encountered a friend, Mr. Jun Repiedad the Resident Care Specialist (RCS) at Veterans Home of California Yountville (VHCY). A busy bee taking care of monitoring the daily routine for stay-in US military veterans at the center.

Currently there are about 876 veterans and their spouses or domestic partners that are being home served in the facility. The VHCY is sited in the picturesque Napa Valley amidst the vineyards, oak trees and valleys. The facility is in a span of 615 acres. The enormous green space comprises a memorial garden that honored Veterans who have served the country in the past.

The American way of living is not like Pinoys’ in terms of keeping the family intact and making sure our elderly stay with us till the time of passing.

Isolation can induce a feeling of loneliness for the senior citizens. In the USA they often placed their elderly in nursing homes or facility for an assisted living scheme. In the practical side of it, I think our elderly will be given more appropriate attention when placed in an assisted home like VHCY in Yountville.

Our senior veterans will be needing more medical care and support in later years, and it will be unfair for the family, who are working and busy with other things, to just leave the responsibility of taking care of our elderly and most often being left alone in their home on their own.

Here, the danger is inevitable when the elderly are left alone to fend for themselves. Again, the feeling of isolation and loneliness will creep in resulting to depression and eventual deterioration of their health condition.

There will be activities suited for the elderlies when placed in a veterans’ facility and they will be actively monitored by the resident care providers.
In the recent Philippine political setting, we witness politician argue with one another on issues that are not relevant to the welfare of the people.

Why not concentrate on crafting or modifying laws for the welfare of the elderlies and veteran military service men and their beneficiaries? Especially in providing Veteran Homes for our honorable Military men. Their limiting benefits are demoralizing especially for the senior soldiers who have served our country.

Getting our cue from the US Veteran Welfare, I think it is just appropriate and practical for the Filipino family who has senior veteran member to be given honor and respect by providing a decent home care program in a facility dedicated solely for them.

For comments and feedback, please write to my email address: (UnliNews Online)



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