THERE should be amendments to the Philippine Constitution on the qualifications of candidates running for senator and other legislative position. The qualifications should have academic background in parliamentary or graduates of law and public administration and have practiced governance in any LGUs before embarking into running the position and most importantly, the seat should only be limited to one family member in the senate or any legislative branch.
I know this is far-fetched, but it can be done when lobbied heavily by advocates and related groups. Gone were the days where we witnessed the political gurus’ in Salonga, Tanada, Recto, Magsaysay, Saguisag, Soc Rodrigo and the likes. These politicians are genius and has the knack on legislation, as they possess special skill, talent, high aptitude and concern for people.

Not to demean senators currently seated in the halls but what we are witnessing now are mediocre performance by some. We know that they have the best intentions in running and performing their seat but because of their lack on how to dissect legislative process, some are just seating ducks in performance specially during deliberations in the hall.
They lack knowledge in defending their bills because a lot of us know that it is their legal team who crafted, researched, and consulted constituents in most cases.
Our political system’s failure to perform well in legislative and executive branches and LGUs is due to non-performing politicians. A lot from these politicians lack the knowledge to enact laws and implement them accordingly because some of them does not even have background on law or public administration.
We, Filipino voters does not learn our lesson, we choose our candidates because they are popular and resulting to non-performance in legislature and pitted in an institution like the senate that is reserved for people who have ample knowledge and well acquainted with the law and public administration. Much worse there are aspirants feeling entitled to the position because they belong to the political dynasties, grabe!
There are exceptions however, Senator Bong Go is a work horse on his performance in the hall of senate. Sen Go’s “Malasakit” center is popular in providing medical and financial assistance to patients of DOH hospitals ensuring of efficient delivery of health services to the poor and needy. His program of governance continues to benefit the many, “may puso ika nga”.
Senator Joel Villanueva continues to amaze the constituencies in strengthening legislation on “Tulong Trabaho at Kabuhayan Project” helping specially the indigenous people and as a professor, I appreciate his scholarship program and giving emphasis on the importance of TESDA as education tool. I can cite a few more politician that is dedicated on their task as leaders of our land but again, credit is given to person that work hard on his craft with knowledge, dedication and sincere intention to help our people.
As our country faces myriads problem of poverty, hunger and loss of jobs, calamities, West Philippine Sea issues and other external challenges, we need a competent, reliable, strong-willed politicians in our midst. (UnliNews Online)