MANILA — A network of digital advocates welcomes the investigation launched by the National Privacy Commission over the spam texts sent out by Grab-owned motorcycle taxi company Move It.
In a hearing conducted by the National Privacy Commission, Digital Pinoys national campaigner Ronald Gustilo said that the group welcomes the privacy watchdog’s investigation amidst the proliferation of spam texts being sent out by the Grab-owned motorcycle taxi firm.
“We commend the NPC’s commitment in upholding the privacy of the personal information of the affected riders. We have high hopes that the ongoing investigation will identify and penalize the culprits behind these spam messages.”
Gustilo also commended the motorcycle taxi riders who cooperated with the investigation. Several riders who received numerous spam messages joined Gustilo in the first session of the investigation.
“We admire the resolve of the brave motorcycle taxi riders to cooperate with the ongoing investigation. Despite losing several hours of what would have been the time for them to serve their passengers and earn, they decided to spare it for NPC’s investigation. We hope that other riders will follow suit.”
During the hearing, the motorcycle taxi riders disclosed that there was also a personalized version of the spam text, with the first name of the recipient being mentioned in the text.
It can be recalled that last September 11, 2023, Gustilo filed a complaint against Move It for sending out spam messages amid the ongoing public campaign against spam and scam texts and the SIM registration brouhahas.
Gustilo added that companies like Move It which use spam texts to advertise activities, promotions, and other events should be held accountable for undermining the efforts of the government and the public to address its proliferation.
“With the government’s campaign against the proliferation of spam and scam texts, companies using these practices should be held accountable. It is unacceptable that they are capitalizing on the scourge that the government and the public have been trying to eradicate.”
The NPC is also set to summon the three motorcycle taxi companies currently allowed to operate – Angkas, Joyride, and the source of the spam text, Move It. (UnliNews Online)