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HomeRegional NewsPhilRice urges farmers to plant high-quality seed varieties

PhilRice urges farmers to plant high-quality seed varieties

By Maria Asumpta Estefanie C. Reyes/PIA Region 3

SCIENCE CITY OF MUÑOZ — The Philippine Rice Research Institute (PhilRice) is urging farmers to plant high-quality seed varieties.

This is in line with the agency’s PalayCheck system, specifically Key Check 1, which focuses on using high-quality seeds of a recommended variety.

As the planting season occurs, PhilRice Plant Breeding and Biotechnology Division Science Research Specialist Rustum Braceros emphasized that utilizing high-quality seeds will lead to high levels of growth, lower seed requirements, healthier seeds or seedlings, as well as efficient and effective crop establishment.

“As crops from high-quality seeds grow, it allows for uniform growth of the crop, lower pest or disease damage, and synchronized maturation of the plants, making it easier to harvest. If this is followed, a 10 percent or higher yield increase can be attained,” he added.

As such, PhilRice has provided general recommendations on choosing high-quality seed varieties.

Initially, farmers are encouraged to obtain seeds from accredited seed growers, ensuring an authentic tag from the National Seed Quality Control Services (NSQCS) is attached for guaranteed quality.

“On this tag, you will find information such as the grower, the seed class, the laboratory analysis number, the variety, and the lot number. This also indicates the purity level of the seeds,” Braceros said.

However, if the seeds are old stock or carry-over from the previous season, farmers should conduct a germination re-test before sowing.

“In addition, if there is no accredited seed grower, farmers may source seeds from reliable farmers in the area or produce their high-quality seeds by following the proper seeding procedures, particularly in roguing or removing off-types,” Braceros shared.

He also mentioned that farmers should ensure the farmer-produced seeds have passed a germination test to determine their quality, which the farmer or NSQCS may do.

Moreover, farmers are advised to select a variety that suits the environment or planting season.

“Choose a variety that is appropriate for your area. For instance, there are upland varieties; rainfed lowland varieties that can survive even with limited water supply; irrigated varieties; rainfed lowland varieties that are drought or submergence-prone; and flood-prone varieties, or what we call submergence rice,” Braceros underscored.

During the rainy season, farmers are likewise urged to pay attention to prevalent pests in the area and consider the variety’s shattering and lodging characteristics.

Related to this, Braceros suggested choosing a variety that addresses existing local problems in the field.

“Consider regionally-preferred varieties as they have been proven in the area or locality. Also, select varieties that have shown good results in adaptability trials over the past two planting seasons conducted by PhilRice or the [Department of Agriculture] local office,” he said.

Lastly, apart from having a high yield, it is recommended to ensure that the variety has high market demand.

“Farmers often buy new varieties thinking they will yield high. However, a new variety released in the market may have other reasons besides good yield, such as being delicious to eat and resistant to damage from pests and diseases,” Braceros furthered.

By following these recommendations, farmers can expect high yields, high-quality grains, and increased income.

For additional information, farmers may contact the PhilRice text center hotline at 0917-111-7423 or visit the official website at



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