CAMP GEN. ALEJO SANTOS, Bulacan — Thirteen drug suspects were arrested by Bulacan Police in a different anti-crime drive police operation conducted on Sunday (Sept. 8).
In reports submitted to Col. Satur L. Ediong, Officer-In-Charge, Bulacan PPO, anti-illegal drug operations were conducted by the Station Drug Enforcement Unit of San Jose Del Monte and Baliwag CPS, Pulilan, Santa Maria, Plaridel, Bulakan, and Angat MPS, resulting in the arrest of 13 drug suspects.
Confiscated from the arrested suspect were (34 pieces of transparent plastic sachets containing a white crystalline substance believed to be shabu, weighing more or less 30.84 grams, with more or less an estimated drug price value of P209,704.00 and buy-bust money.
The arrested suspects and the confiscated pieces of evidence were brought to the Bulacan Provincial Forensic Unit for appropriate examination. While appropriate criminal complaints for violations of R.A. 9165 against the suspects is now being prepared for filing in court.
The Bulacan PNP’s intensified efforts to combat lawlessness and violence, as well as its efficient intelligence response to curb down the individuals or groups that instill fear and perpetrate violence within the community, have been carried out with the highest determination. (UnliNews Online)